Hair Technologies
Face-lifting & Skin tightening
Skin Rejuvenation
Skin Resurfacing
Pigmentation & Vascular Removal
Body Shaping
Vaginal Rejuvenation & SUI
Acne Monotherapy
Fine hair removal
Hair bleaching
Fine lines and wrinkles
Skin Sagging
Pores reduction
Stretch marks
Dermal pigmentation
Vascular lesions
Body contouring
Localized contouring
Vaginal tightening
Vaginal rejuvenation
Stress urinary incontinence
Inflammatory Acne
Pain Management
UV phototherapy
Medical furniture & accessories
Treatments & diagnostic
Is Genius treatment suitable for dark skin?
Genius uses HIPR technology which is color blind & can be used for all skin colors.
Can I use Genius in combination with other techniques?
Yes, due to the low downtime other treatments can be done in the same week, one of the popular combinations is Lasemd that addresses fine-lines & skin toning with Genius that improves collagen structure. Another popular combination is using Genius to synergize filler results for mass volumization.
Can I use Genius as an alternative for fillers?
Genius can be used as a standalone volumizing treatment when skin volume restoration is needed especially with aging, it also can add collagen structure that can be used as a foundation to enhance filler results due to its wide area of volumization. Genius is not meant to be used when augmentation is needed.
What to expect after the Genius treatment?
Erythema and edema are expected & usually subsides in 24 - 48 hours after the treatment & might be accompanied by some crusting.
Is the Genius treatment painful?
The treatment is with the assistance of numbing cream & is usually easily tolerated by patients, air cooling can be used for sensitive patients.
How many sessions does the Genius treatment need?
An average of 1-4 sessions are usually required. This may increase or decrease depending on the patient's condition, indication and the physician's assessment.
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