HA Fillers
Mesh Threads
Are there any side-effects?
No, an expected mild transient redness & swelling is normal & will subside rapidly, the doctor may choose to apply topical moisturizer or corticosteroid for convenience.
What to expect after Clarity treatment?
Mild erythema & edema that subsides shortly & the hair will keep falling down for the next few days.
Is Clarity treatment painful?
Clarity treatment doesn't require anesthesia & most patients can easily tolerate it. The patient may feel experience slight tingling & heat sensation due to the burning of the hair.
How many sessions are needed to complete Clarity Program?
The doctor usually decides a number from 4-8 sessions and may decrease or increase depending on skin color, hair color & thickness.
Can I remove white hair by laser hair removal?
White hair & blonde hair has almost no melanin & hence it doesn't absorb the energy from any laser and can't be removed.
How long do the results last?
Clarity results are long-lasting, some patients choose to do maintenance or touch up sessions each other year.
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