Hair Technologies
Face-lifting & Skin tightening
Skin Rejuvenation
Skin Resurfacing
Pigmentation & Vascular Removal
Body Shaping
Vaginal Rejuvenation & SUI
Acne Monotherapy
Fine hair removal
Hair bleaching
Fine lines and wrinkles
Skin Sagging
Pores reduction
Stretch marks
Dermal pigmentation
Vascular lesions
Body contouring
Localized contouring
Vaginal tightening
Vaginal rejuvenation
Stress urinary incontinence
Inflammatory Acne
Pain Management
UV phototherapy
Medical furniture & accessories
Treatments & diagnostic
Hair removal
Fine hair removal
Hair bleaching
Fine lines and wrinkles
Skin Sagging
Texture & Laxity
Pores reduction
Hypertrophic scars
Acne/Atrophic scars
Stretch marks
Epidermal pigmentation
Dermal pigmentation
Vascular lesions
Body contouring
Localized contouring
Vaginal tightening
Vaginal rejuvenation
Stress urinary incontinence
Inflammatory Acne
Pain Management
UV phototherapy
Medical furniture & accessories
Treatments & diagnostic
Why do I need Vbeam Perfecta? I don't see enough vascular cases
Vascular treatments is an untapped opportunity, conditions like Blue veins, Rosaceae and Inflammatory acne can be easily noticed on daily basis . Due to lack of awareness, a lot of patients don't know that there is solution for benign vascular lesions...thus it represents an income opportunity with a minimal competition.
How many sessions are needed in Vbeam Perfecta treatments?
An average of 3-5 sessions is usually required, it may increase or decrease depending on the patient condition, indication & the physician assessment.
Is Vbeam Perfecta treatment safe?
Yes, Vbeam Perfecta is the gold standard PDL and has an established safety for many years.
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