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Is it really effective? most of the body shaping solutions have no results?
 enCurve results are supported by clinical studies. The average circumference reduction is from 4 to 6 cms.
Does the patient need to follow diet or exercise with enCurve program?
No, the patient just needs to maintain a balanced diet in terms of calories. Diet and exercise will help in accelerating results.
How can I know if enCurve is the right choice for me?
 If you are looking to expand your treatment portfolio with one of the most demanded treatments, we advise to choose a device that does not require additional staff or has running costs.  enCurve is a sound investment in this regards.
How many sessions are needed in the enCurve program?
An average of 4-6 sessions with an interval of one week is usually required. This may increase or decrease depending on the patient's condition, the indication and the physician's assessment.
Is the enCurve treatment safe?
Yes, enCurve selectively targets fat cells & has no effect on surrounding tissues.
Is the enCurve treatment painful?
No, the treatment is well tolerated by most patients. Patients feel a slight warm sensation during the session.
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